Welcome! I'm Deborah 

My own journey of transformation spans motherhood, marriage and mid-life, all of which forced me to reckon with my own beliefs, wounds and unconscious patterns in ways for which I was completely unprepared. For most of my life I was completely dissociated from my feelings, my body and my ability to feel safe with either so I struggled immensely when I started to explore my inner world on the quest for meaning, purpose and truth. I also derailed many opportunities for growth because my ego resisted everything that was painful in my life. I tried my best to rationalise and control my way out of my growing dissatisfaction, suffering and inner turmoil but nothing worked. My soul's intention was to bring me into greater levels of awareness and consciousness, not comfortableness. And so it is that our soul guides us back to ourselves and wholeness one way or another. 

Breathwork brought me closer to my own truth, empowerment and a sense of inner peace than I had ever felt before. And while I still face many challenges, this human experience is far easier to navigate trusting that I am responsible for creating the life I desire and whatever life presents me with is a portal to my ongoing transformation and liberation. And so I continue to trust, lean in, and breathe.

I can now say from personal experience that the painful experiences and difficult emotions I grappled with were my greatest sources of healing once I was ready enough, safe enough and willing enough to stay present with them and access their gifts. I spent the last 10 years sifting through hurting pieces of myself only to find a truer, deeper and more aligned version of myself. I am still learning and deepening into aspects of myself and consciousness as I continue my own inner journey and co-creation with life. And I am here to guide other women willing to take the same journey back to themselves, it is by far the greatest journey of our lives. 

“You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.”
 Eckhart Tolle

"Allowing the pain of personal growth to be a crucible of your spirit - the alchemical grail through which the metal of your former self turns into gold - is one of the highest callings in life."
Marianne Williamson

Let's journey together.